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Certificate of Leadership

The Certificate of Leadership Program provides students in the UBC Peer Programs network with the opportunity to engage in a reflective practice around their leadership experiences,  to develop a greater awareness of self and other.

This program involves creating a personal portfolio using WordPress, as a virtual space to reflect on your experiences as a student leader at UBC-Vancouver. Program requirements include:

  1. Creating goals for your ‘Story of Leadership’ and participating in the program.
  2. Participating in 8 significant experiences that challenge your perceptions, or assumptions of yourself, others, and/or society.
  3. Submitting 8 reflections about these experiences.
  4. Completing  a final reflection which requires you to respond to a specific series of questions.


If you are interested in participating in learning more about, or participating in the Certificate of Leadership program, please contact your Peer Program advisor directly.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Peer Programs
Centre for Student Involvement and Careers
1002 - 1874 East Mall, Brock Hall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada
Tel: 604-822-6236

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