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Wellness Peer Program

Who We Are:

Paige at the Science Wellness Fair

Wellness Peers are students who are dedicated to health promotion and education and are passionate about sharing wellness with others. Any student is welcome to apply, regardless of faculty or program of study.

The Wellness Peer Program currently has 5 teams: Nutrition, Sexual Health, Wellness Balance, Workshop Facilitation, and Communication Teams. Many Wellness Peers stay on after their first year, and go on to act as mentors to newer volunteers. All Wellness Peers receive training for their personal and professional development, as well as mentorship from the Wellness Centre Coordinator.

What We Do:

  • Staffing the Wellness Centre, located in IKB 183, answering students’ health-related questions and providing referrals to campus and community services.
  • Facilitating workshops for student groups
  • Organizing and implementing outreach events
  • Collaborating with groups like Residence Life, Peer Programs, SASC, UBC REC
  • Create resources for students such as handouts, brochures and displays.


Logo for the UBC STOP HIV project

Some of the events the Wellness Peers have developed or collaborated on include, the Science and Engineering Wellness Fairs; “Stress Less for Exam Success” with the Chapman Learning Commons; STOP HIV Project rapid testing and resource fairs; Thrive Week; Paws for Health pet visits and many others.


To read more about the Wellness Peers, visit Live Well, Learn Well.

Staff Support:

The Wellness Peers are led by Veronica Marchuk, the Wellness Centre Coordinator.

Being a Wellness Peer, you get to:

1. Sharpen your education, presentation and communication skills

2. Increase your knowledge about health promotion, student well-being, and health issues

3. Gain job/program related skills and experience

4. Meet like minded, health-conscious individuals who will become your new friends

Be A Wellness Peer:

Applications and position descriptions for the coming year can be found at http://students.ubc.ca/fun/give-back/peer-programs


Student Health Service

Wellness Outreach

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Peer Programs
Centre for Student Involvement and Careers
1002 - 1874 East Mall, Brock Hall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada
Tel: 604-822-6236

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